Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Made of Stone

Bloomers at work? Of course I'm wearing bloomers at work -- I mean, you knew it had to happen sooner or later, right? What other wacky clothing item could I try, having already sported an apron, a cheerleader top, and 70's pimpin' patchwork boots? What was really left for me to try to surprise my colleagues with? Bloomers, that's what. And true to form, nobody said a damn thing about them except my boss, who merely commented, "Cute outfit!" These people are made of stone, I tell you. Stone.

The bloomers are from my new favorite store, Five and Diamond. And though they do push the boundaries a little, I think I managed to make them look pretty reasonable for the office by pairing them with the button-down shirt and flat shoes. They're a fun alternative to cropped pants, are the perfect weight for summertime, and are super comfy to boot.

Striped shirt: Promod
Black shirt: Max Studio
Waistcoat: Promod
Bloomers: Wild Card
Shoes: Bobbi Brown

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