Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Searching back through my archives to find my original Memento Mori post yesterday reminded me that it has been awhile since I've worn this adorable dress. Since we had another day of nice hot weather, it just so happened to be the perfect time to pull it out again, and coincidentally it was also a great way to make use of the new waistcoat I bought last week in an effort to add some more steampunk elements to my wardrobe.

The dress is super soft and comfy, but because it's pretty much see-through it necessitates a layer underneath, in this case a lace-trimmed cami and a black skirt. This proved advantageous for today's outfit, since the black layer added some striking contrast and outlined the top and bottom of the dress, which I thought looked better than the off-white fabric right next to my pale skin. My aversion to tanning really limits my ability to wear white, which is why I often layer my white and off-white pieces with another contrasting layer.

Waistcoat: Heathen
Dress: Lady Language
Skirt: From my sister
Shoes: John Fluevog

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