Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today our gorgeous sunny weather was replaced by soggy coldness, making extra layers an absolute necessity. Not only that, but this vintage scooter dress is downright see-through and needs something under it for the sake of modesty, not to mention good taste. As the weather gets warmer I'll have to think of some lighter layers to line it with.

The upside of today's lousy weather was that it gave me another opportunity to wear my new vintage cape, though the busy pattern of the dress kept me from wearing it plaid-side out (I'm determined to wear it that way the next time). I foolishly left the detachable hood at home, a big mistake on a rainy day on which I also forgot my umbrella.

Dress and scarf: Vintage, via Beta Boutique
Turtleneck: H&M
Orange Skirt: thrifted with Sal over the weekend
Teal fishnets: Accessorize (from years ago)
Boots: Mia
Cape: vintage

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