Thursday, July 23, 2009


This isn't exactly how I wore this outfit to work; I went hatless during the work day and put the hat on later to meet Laura and her father-in-law for a couple of drinks after work. I felt the hat was a little too showy for the office, but it was great fun for an evening out.

I made this hat several months ago and finished trimming it only last weekend. Sometimes hats have to sit around a little while before they're quite ready to be trimmed; each has its own personality that doesn't always reveal itself right away. The idea of a bowler style for women is something I've been playing with since I first started making hats, and I even have a couple in the shop, but this is the first I've done where I added a hat pin. I also made the hat pin myself; this is a new craft I've taken up recently that I'm having a lot of fun with. I like the way the pin and the feathers give an elegant touch to what is otherwise a casual, daytime men's style. The band is made from a vintage necktie.

This is the first time I've worn this vest and skirt combo, though I bought them together with the intention of wearing them this way. The length of the vest is just right for the high-waisted skirt, and the two of them together certainly have the steampunk aesthetic that I've been drawn to lately. The whole outfit with the hat has sort of a carny vibe, most likely inspired by my recent addiction to the now-defunct HBO series Carnivàle. Mark got me hooked on it and we've spent the last few weeks devouring the entire series via Netflix.

Top: H&M
Vest: Heathen
Skirt: Skin Graft
Shoes: John Fluevog

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