Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Sorry for my absence yesterday; I've been sick and have gotten a little behind with my posting. Nothing is worse than being sick in the summertime, although with the sudden onset of cold, foggy weather, it feels just as wintry outside as I felt on the inside all weekend. This outfit is from last week, when it was significantly warmer in the Bay Area.

For this outfit I started with the contrasty combination of teal and red, and offset all the bright color with accents of gray. I just love the look of the funky, well-worn cowboy boots with the precise, boxy skirt and tailored, belted jacket. This skirt, by the way, is the perfect length to reveal my Memento Mori tattoo exactly the way I intended: barely peeking out when I'm standing, but fully visible when I'm sitting with legs crossed. According to my tattoo artist, girls in the 1920's used to get tattoos in the same spot just above the knee for that very same reason. And here I thought the placement of the tattoo was sort of original.

Tank top: American Eagle
Jacket: Crystal Candy
Belt: from an F21 top
Skirt: Anthropologie
Boots: vintage

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