Friday, June 25, 2010

Double Down on Adorable

Halloo, friends! I haven’t forgotten about you – and hope you’ve not forgotten about me! Thanks to Audi – who’s so very patient with me (and a genius with the camera), I have bunches of outfit photos and ideas to come. Plans to post more frequently now and again are in the works, but let’s step into the [not so] way-back machine for a moment:

My very good friend, Miss Amanda Willis, and I spent a fantastic April weekend in Las Vegas – for Viva Las Vegas: 4 amazing days filled with 50s silhouettes, burlesque shows, classic cars, rockabilly betties, and pompadour-ed paramours.

I’m telling you guys – the hair and outfits were AMAZING. I’d checked out the photo gallery before I left, and decided I needed to step up my game. Apparently, this translated (in my head), into making a dress.

My seamstress skills are rudimentary at best (though improving!), and having no actual pattern, I used this cotton swing dress from pinupgirlclothing as a basis:

Yes, that photo was taken in a bathroom. What? It's KLASSY!!

Several yards of brown paper, a small pile of sidewalk chalk, and many miscalculations later, I wound up with this:

Something I like best about the 50s look – hourglass is queen. The silhouette is particularly flattering for those of us with a …[ahem]… generous bosom. A style that accents my waist, making the most out of those assets is one I can fully embrace. Plus, optional bonus: floofy petticoats! You know how we love to layer.

One of my favourite online shops, Stop Staring, had a booth at the convention – neither Amanda nor I could resist the unique opportunity to try on garments in person – or their VLV-bargain prices, and I scored a couple super hott wiggle dresses which may make their appearance on the blog at some point.

Let me tell you, these ladies know curves.

White sweater: borrowed
Dress: made by Jess
Silver heels: ? TJMaxx long long ago
Parasol: 5 bux at the car show (it was HOT out there)
Apologies for the fuzzy photos – my camera (and photoshop) skills are due for a tune-up – also, some guy at the car show helped out by cutting off our feet.


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