Friday, July 9, 2010

Dressed Up

Here are Mark and I all dressed up to go out for Mark's birthday, which was last weekend. We met up with our friends Tom and Jen, and headed over to the Mission district for dinner. As it turned out it was also the weekend of the Pride Parade, and we chose a restaurant that was right on the path of one of the events, so we got to watch all the festivities going on outside. Afterwards we walked over to the SoMa district for a cocktail before wandering over to the Hotel Utah to see a fantastic and very entertaining local band called the Super Adventure Club.

On the way home we had the most surreal cab drive ever. We had unwittingly stepped into the Kabaret Kab, with its singing driver Buzz Brooks and Vegas-style lights strung around the interior. Click here to watch Buzz in action!

My outfit:
Dress, cardigan: All Saints
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Tights: Noa Noa
Boots: Cydwoq

Mark's outfit:
Hat: Goorin Bros.
Shirt: All Saints
Vest: Steam Trunk
Jeans: Heathen
Boots: All Saints

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