Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Minneapolis and Chicago

At long last I've gotten my photos uploaded from the trip Mark and I took to Minneapolis and Chicago the week before last. As you undoubtedly already figured out, we stopped in Minneapolis for several days to catch up with Sal and Mike, and then went on to Chicago for a long-overdue visit with my friend Ryan. Sal has posted a couple of outfit photos of the two of us here and here, and below are a few more of my favorite photos from the trip. You can tell from Sal's photos that my hair does not love the hot, humid weather. It spent a large portion of the week plastered nice and flat to my head.

I snuck this 'behind-the-scenes' shot while Sal and Mike were taking blog photos. Mike nearly always has his camera in tow and can take outfit shots whenever the right moment arises. I'm a seriously envious blogger.

Our excellent tour guides, Sal and Mike. I love how Sal's dress matches the Gold Medal Flour sign behind her.

Another behind-the-scenes moment: Sal at her blog spot.

Nope, it's not stuffed; this eagle was totally showing off for us at the Raptor Center.

The obligatory trip to The Bean in Chicago.

I really loved this fountain at Millennium Park. I have to admit that living in San Francisco makes me miss classic summer scenes like this one. In SF it's just too damn cold most of the summer for anyone to want to play in a fountain, or even wear shorts for that matter.

I love the contrast and movement in this close-up of the fountain at First National Plaza. I think the soaring temperatures and heavy humidity made me extra inclined to take pictures of water.

We went up to the 16th floor of the Trump Tower for cocktails after taking the Chicago river architectural tour.

This flower sculpture totally reminded me of something you might see at Burning Man, only without the obligatory fire shooting out of it.

We had a great time taking in the sights, eating wonderful food, and soaking up the hot weather. The culinary highlight of the trip was definitely the 9-course dinner at Schwa in Chicago, where Ryan miraculously got us a table after several months of trying. In Minneapolis, Mark and I really enjoyed the play we saw with Sal and Mike, called The Mystery of Irma Vepp. The acting was fabulous and we were completely amazed by the rapid costume changes by the 2 actors, who played all the roles.

The best part was just leaving ourselves in the capable hands of Sal in Minneapolis and Ryan in Chicago; both are excellent planners and were armed with a full list of things to do when we arrived. Mark and I had been so wrapped up with our home buying before we left that we'd had very little time to think about an itinerary, and anyway I'm truly a lousy planner. I'm more of a grand scheme sort of person, preferring to leave the details to someone else. Thankfully we had such good friends to come through for us in the clutch.

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