Wednesday, April 28, 2010

17 Addresses

What's this, the same shoes two days in a row?? Well, as you may have guessed, my apartment is quickly migrating into boxes, and as it does my selection of shoes, as well as clothes, dishes, reading material, and everything else, is dwindling. Pretty soon I'll be living on a capsule wardrobe, but thankfully it's only for a few more days.

So far I haven't packed too many things that I've had to dig back out again, but then again I ought to be a pro at this sort of thing by now. I realized recently that this apartment is the longest I've ever lived anywhere in my entire life. I've had 17 different addresses, and 12 of those have been since I moved out of my parents' house when I was 18. That's a lot of moving, which probably explains my propensity for being really ruthless when I decide to start getting rid of things. I sort of miss the old days when everything I owned fit into my little Toyota Tercel. Now I doubt I could even get my shoe collection in there.

This was very much a trial and error sort of outfit. I hit on the combination of the strapless top and military jacket right away, but it took me awhile to figure out the bottom half. In the end it came down to the skirt length, because any shorter than this looked really out of proportion. I think this is the first time I've worn this jacket buttoned. With many outfits I think it looks better open, but here the closure of the jacket coincided precisely with the black band under the bodice of the top, so buttoning it just made sense.

Jacket: F21
Top: Mica
Necklace: Manu Lizarralde
Skirt, tights: Noa Noa
Shoes: John Fluevog

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