Thursday, April 29, 2010

2 Years

Wow, today marks the 2-year anniversary of Fashion For Nerds! This is my 487th post, which is far more than I ever imagined I'd accomplish. A big thank you to all of my readers and commenters, whether you've been here since the beginning or have only just recently stumbled across the blog. As I did last year on the anniversary, I thought I'd do a recap of some of my favorite outfits from the last 12 months.

And just for good measure, here are a few "special occasion" outfits that were a lot of fun:

This year I also introduced posts related to travel, both those that detail my own trips or those about travel in general. And I also did several tutorials over the last year, including my first ever video tutorial. All of the links to those feature posts can be found in the sidebar.

And finally, Jess joined the blog this year, though admittedly she's made very few appearances so far. But you'll see more of her soon, I promise!

Thanks again, everyone! It's been an amazing 2 years!

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