Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tights and Sandals

**Warning: completely gratuitous adorable dog photos contained herein**

Ever since I tried this look last year, I've been wanting to wear this tights/sandals combination again, because I love the way the rust orange tights look against the brown leather. I realized in looking at these photos that I really should've added the thin brown belt I was contemplating, but that day I only had comfort in mind, so I skipped it. I really like this outfit from the waist up and from the waist down, but I feel like the belt would've helped to transition the two a little better. C'est la vie.

What is really important in today's post is the fact that Georgie decided to participate, and while she pretended to want to sit next to me, I could see that she just wanted to look at Mark, who was seated nearby at the computer (see evidence to the right). Below the outfit details are more gratuitous shots with my adorable dog. You have been warned!

Dress: Red Dress Shoppe
Cardigan: H&M
Skirt: Mango
Tights: Sock Dreams
Sandals: John Fluevog

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