Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jury Duty

Today I had to report for jury duty, so I chose the most comfortable of my pre-planned outfits since I was walking to and from the courthouse. Mercifully the parties involved decided to settle out of court, but not before many an hour was whiled away in mind-numbing boredom. On the upside, it was a gorgeous day to get out and do a little walking, and this outfit was just perfect for the sunny but slightly chilly weather.

The orange tunic, striped top, and plaid skirt are all from my weekend shopping excursion in Seattle. The tunic is super soft and drapey, and I like the way the striped shirt shows through the thin fabric. It's from a great little shop in the Capitol Hill area called Retail Therapy, which I always make a point to visit whenever I'm in town. The skirt and top are both from Target, which I hardly ever go to when I'm home because there aren't any stores within San Francisco city limits. I had no idea that they were selling such cute clothes these days; I also bought an adorable dress as well as a couple turtlenecks I picked up on sale for something like $3.39 each.

Hat: a gift from Kimberly
Shirt: Merona
Tunic: Skunkfunk
Scarf: Banana Republic
Skirt: Merona
Tights: Noa Noa
Shoes: Camper

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