Friday, March 6, 2009


I've had this lace-up velvet vest for ages and ages -- so long that it's probably now considered vintage by some people. I'd put it away and forgotten all about it, but the other night I decided to pull out some of my old dresses and such to see if anything in there might be of use to me now, and there it was, looking almost as good as the day I bought it. When I used to wear it long ago, it was part of a dressy, evening-only outfit, but I thought the vest would look better with a more casual ensemble instead. Adding it to this combination of mixed neutrals gives the whole outfit a dressier look without being too flashy.

Tonight I'm headed up to Seattle to spend the weekend with my dear friend Jess, who you may remember. I'll be back on Monday to complete Jane's skirt challenge. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Hat: Alternative Design Studio
Shirt: Banana Republic
Vest: vintage!
Skirt: H&M (shortened)
Black leggings: Kersh
Boots: Bata

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