Thursday, March 26, 2009


This amazing cape was another find from the Vintage Expo over the weekend. Despite my unbridled shopping habits I was relatively restrained at the expo, and only brought home 3 clothing items for myself: the mod yellow and gray set I wore on Tuesday, this cape, and a little plaid vest that still needs some alterations before it's ready to be worn. The rest of my purchases at the expo were vintage silk flowers that will be used in trimming my hats, which will all be for sale in the near future.

The cape is reversible and has a removable hood, which I left at home today. As it turned out the cape was the perfect outerwear for the sunny-chilly weather; and as with Tuesday's outfit, I fear I may have limited opportunities for wearing it again before next fall.

Cape: vintage
Strapless top: Mica
Skirt: Merona
Shoes: Camper

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