Monday, May 19, 2008

Earthquake Weather

Today it was back to the office and back to windy, foggy normalcy. I have to admit that I sort of like our moist chilly weather though; for one thing it's easy on the skin, for another thing your makeup doesn't get so smeary by the end of the day, and for yet another thing when it's freakishly hot I get a bit paranoid that we're going to have an earthquake. Popular opinion maintains that the one rare occurrence goes with the other, so much so that there's a term for the kind of temperatures we experienced last week: earthquake weather.

Today's outfit consists of a tank from H&M, short-sleeved jacket from Crystal Candy, navy pencil skirt by Moon Collection, and blue t-straps from Paulo. The adorable handbag is by Angelina, and is one that I found at -- of all places -- a beer festival in Seattle. Hey, you never know where good fashion might crop up!

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