Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Back to work after a long weekend of recreation is always tough, especially when you have to leave behind warm weather, a lovely lake, and a group of good friends. Seven of us spent the weekend at a rented house on Clear Lake, about 2 hours north of San Francisco. When I got up to get ready for work this morning, all I could think of for clothing was, "black."

I'm not sure what brand the tunic is, as the only legible words on the label are those that say, "Made In Korea." The capri tights are from Kersh, and the shoes are by Sugar.

Thankfully by this evening the weather was beautiful in the city and I was feeling ok about being back home. The local flower shop was an explosion of color and I could smell the flowers as I walked by outside, so I decided to buy a bouquet for my apartment. Fresh flowers are one of my little indulgences; or rather, they're my only little indulgence, the rest of them generally being big ones.

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