Thursday, May 15, 2008


Today I had to give a presentation at the conference I'm attending, but with the sweltering temperatures we're currently experiencing in San Francisco (80 degrees!!), I wanted to look somewhat businesslike without sweating my a** off. This is what I came up with. I discreetly covered the tattoos on my shoulder and arms with the button-down shirt, but sported bare legs and sandals so as not to melt (after years of living in this town, I've become really wimpy when it comes to warm weather). I chose my bright orange skirt with saucy little slits up each side, lest I ruin my reputation by looking too conservative.

Since I was giving a presentation I figured I needed a good luck charm, so I chose this necklace. Several years ago the turkey vulture started to creep into my consciousness as a highly under-appreciated animal, and gradually it became my favorite animal. When I found this necklace in Seattle, of course I had to have it. I rocked the presentation, by the way.

Skirt from Sunhee Moon, button-down shirt from Promod, navy t-shirt by Aziz (being v-neck, it functions well as a lightweight substitute for a vest), shoes by Sofft.

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