Friday, December 12, 2008

Girls' Night Out

I have to admit that I'm slightly hungover today. Last night was Girls' Night Out with my best friend Laura, and we unwisely decided to end the evening with martinis instead of sticking to beer. Just to give you an idea of the level of silliness we attained, we concluded the evening by deciding that we need to have a roller skating Richard Nixon at our big 40th birthday bash next year. I'm certain I'll never be able to mentally retrace, now that I'm sober, the steps we took to reach that conclusion.

Generally when I'm not feeling my best I wear something extra special, so that at the very least I'll feel good about the way I look. This little vintage jacket certainly fits in the extra special category, as does my favorite new dress and these adorable boots that were a gift from Mark. None of these items prevented me from yawning my way through several meetings this afternoon, but I did feel very stylish while walking to them, at least.

Jacket: Vintage, from Paris
Dress and tights: Noa Noa
Shoes: MIA

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