Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pants For Icelanders

I realized today that I haven't really discussed my recent trip to Paris and Iceland very much, and I hope to correct that very soon. Part of the problem is that my old computer didn't have enough available memory for me to upload all my digital photos, so I've been waiting until I figured out the new system before I dealt with trying to post any of those. I still can't quite decide which program I want to use for them.

In the meantime, let your imagination carry you to the fashion of downtown Reykjavik on a Friday or Saturday night. It shouldn't be hard, because very little is actually left to the imagination. First imagine, if you will, that I was wearing this black tunic top as a dress. Now pretend that instead of thick leggings, I had on semi-opaque tights. Finally, picture approximately 70% of women in their 20's to early 30's dressed that way, and you'll have a good idea of the fashion catastrophe that is Reykjavik right now. I realize that the country is in the midst of a terrible financial crisis, but I had no idea that the situation was so dire: there is apparently a massive shortage of pants among young Icelandic women! The whole city looks like an installment of Don't Show-Cha Your Chocha! I'm thinking of starting up a humanitarian effort called Pants For Icelanders -- who's with me?

I'm not really exaggerating very much here. I saw a lot of cheeks that frankly I wish I could unsee. So to all the Icelanders out there; please, I adore your country and I think you're beautiful and interesting people, but for God's sake put some pants on!!!

Shirt (which is not a dress): H&M
Dress (See how I wore it under the shirt there? It's easy, really.): Lady Language
Leggings: Kersh
Boots: Doc Marten
Hat: San Diego Hat Company

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