Thursday, December 4, 2008

Handknit Socks

I love pretty socks. I love to knit. Ergo, I should love to knit myself pretty socks, right? Well, that's not such an easy question to answer. On the one hand socks are challenging and fun to make. On the other hand they end up costing twice as much as buying a pair and taking an inordinate amount of time to finish. And then there's that less tangible factor, the disappointment you feel when not one single person even notices them because hey, what's the big deal about a pair of socks, anyway?

The problem with making intricate socks is that only another knitter can truly appreciate how much effort went into them. Sure, there's a certain satisfaction in knowing that I made them myself, but when I think about all the time I spent, I always wind up thinking I'd have been better off making a really eye-catching sweater or hat. Thus, I haven't knit any more socks since I finished this pair. Now I'm not saying I'll never knit any more socks, but I think the next ones will either be a far simpler pattern or else a big, chunky, quickly finished pair that can be used as slippers. These days, however, I'm working on a really lovely and eye-catching sweater. More on that to come.

Socks: Knit by me from the Baudelaire pattern

Dress: Tulle
Skirt: Noa Noa
Cardi: La Redoute
Belt: Made by Mark and I
Hat: Seeberger
Boots: Bata

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