Monday, February 2, 2009

80's Night

On Saturday Mark, Jess and I attended an 80's party where our friend Tom's band was playing. Jess and I spent several hours that day scouring the huge Goodwill store on Mission Street in search of the perfect outfits. We came up with a rocker look for Jess and a loud preppy look for me. Mark sported a new wave look, though his skinny black tie is barely visible here.

Ironically, I wouldn't have been caught dead in this getup when I was in high school in the 80's (not that I would now either, unless I was going to an 80's party, of course). I would've been dressed a lot more like Jess, in fact. In The Breakfast Club, she'd have been the Molly Ringwald character and I'd have been Ally Sheedy, but for Saturday night's party it was a bit of role reversal.

How perfect was it that we found a t-shirt with a picture of the Space Needle on it for Jess??

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