Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thrift Score

I can't believe I forgot to tell my blogger friends about my thrifting experience when I visited my family in Oregon last month. This little vintage suit was one of the spoils of that trip, and when I put it on today I was reminded of the whole experience. Imagine if you will the entire family, mom, dad, 3 sisters, boyfriend, aunt, and even my sister's tiny purse-sized dog, all piling into the car and touring the thrift stores of rural Oregon. I think everyone, except maybe the dog, went home with at least one item that day, but I was the big winner with this groovy 60's score, which I picked up for a mere $12. Twelve dollars! It was truly a family outing to remember.

Wearing this outfit today, I felt just like the star of a TV crime-fighting series from 1966. Can't you just picture me on a mission in South Africa? Because in those old shows, they would surely have worn a safari-inspired outfit to go along with the locale. I'm not sure what's up with the super-long belt on the jacket, but since I haven't gotten around to shortening it, I just let it hang down today. I suppose it could've doubled as a whip if I'd encountered any aggressive lions.

Suit: vintage, thrifted
Turtleneck: Laundry, also thrifted
Hat: Alternative Design Studio
Tights: Cronert
Boots: Bata

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