Friday, June 13, 2008


What's this, a real smile? Where'd that come from? I have a very difficult time trying to duplicate a natural smile when I'm posing for a camera. Today I was in a particularly chipper mood, so I managed to capture the real thing without too much effort. I normally have to take 20 or so shots before I find one or two that I'm really happy with.

Today though, what's not to be happy about? I checked the forecast and we can expect 10 more days of shiny, shiny sun! Joy! As an added bonus, I had plans to meet up with all my old coworkers for lunch, and I was really looking forward to seeing those guys. And then, I guess I'm just feeling pretty great about my life in general these days.

OK, enough about me, on to the outfit: navy tee by Aziza, cropped jeans from La Redoute, shoes from John Fluevog. I kept this outfit simple and unfussy today since I knew I was driving down to Redwood City, which is significantly warmer than South San Francisco. It was a comfy, relaxed, Friday kind of look.

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