Monday, July 7, 2008

Walking Dead

Well the good news is that Mark came home last night after being out of town for the long weekend. The bad news is, his flight was delayed and he got in rather late, which meant that today I was like the walking dead. The happily contented walking dead, mind you. Good thing all I had to do today at work was to pack up my office for our big move tomorrow.

Purple tunic top: a cast-off from my little sister
Yellow tank: H&M
Jeans: Dittos
Shoes: Born

Over the long weekend I decided to try a shopping excursion to Forever 21, having seen Kasmira and others sport some cute things from there. For years I've believed that I couldn't wear anything from that store because it carries only juniors' sizing, but I was pleasantly surprised to find quite a few things that not only fit, but that don't look like something only a teenager should be wearing. The best part is, everything was very reasonably priced; Kimberly would be proud of me. Several of my new items will make their debut this week.

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