Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

As I was putting together the photos for this post I began to hear car horns honking and people joyfully shouting outside, so I knew the election must have been called (as everyone will recall, I live in uber-liberal San Francisco; I don't know one single soul in this town who planned on voting for McCain, or at least none that would admit to it). Though this is of course not a political blog, I trust my readers will indulge me as I share the fact that when I clicked over to the San Francisco Chronicle web page and saw the headline, I absolutely wept with joy. This is the first time I've felt optimistic about our country's future in a decade, and I'm so proud of everyone, regardless of political affiliation, for getting out there and voting in record numbers.

These tights are some that I picked up at Noa Noa during my trip to Paris. I absolutely love Noa Noa tights; the best thing about them is the fact that they have a sewn-in seat just like old fashioned long johns, which means they actually fit around your bum instead of being stretched taught and then creeping up into unmentionable regions all day. They also have turned heels, which cuts down on the stretch and wear to the heel area.

Today's outfit had a whole different look when I put my jacket on, so I thought I'd include a picture of it too. The heavy fabric weave and raw edges added texture to the outfit, while the mix of browns and grays tied all the other pieces together. The jacket, with the wide open front, has limited utility on really cold days, but is just perfect for this brisk fall weather we've been having.

Shirt: H&M
Dress: The Red Dress Shoppe
Belt: from a local import store
Tights: Noa Noa
Shoes: Art Shoes
Jacket: Mango

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