Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Creativity Unleashed

I really adore this new Noa Noa dress -- this is already the second time I've worn it since I brought it back from Paris just a few weeks ago. Today I gave it more of a relaxed look by adding the Western-style boots (from an unknown Italian manufacturer) and the belt that Mark and I made. The brown knit shirt is from Anne Taylor, the scarf is from my local import store, and the tights are also from Noa Noa.

As promised, here are a few pictures of the recent work I've done on my little apartment (all these photos are clickable). After I moved the refrigerator out of my shoebox-sized kitchen and into my unnecessarily-large dining room, I was inspired to make all sorts of other changes, of which the dining room paint was the most recent. I posted my kitchen wall graphic project before, and since that time I added all these rail-mounted storage gadgets from Ikea, as well as this tall, narrow shelving unit, magnetic spice rack, and pot rack (also all from Ikea). I also painted my cabinet doors a bright apple green from the drab white they had been.

In the dining room, I traded a giant round dining table for a small one with drop-down leaves, replaced a large wooden chest with a small computer desk, and added this gorgeous marigold color to the walls. Even with the addition of the refrigerator I still have more open space in there than I did when most of the room was consumed with the round table. The new color actually makes the room feel larger, and helps to tie together the different colors in my 2 large pieces of artwork. Note the sleeping dog in the photo to the left; that's how Georgie looks about 90% of the time.

Several years ago I decided I was really bored with biotech and wanted to do something vastly different. I got about halfway through an interior design program before I decided that my scientific career had taken a turn for the better and I was going to stick with it. I'm happy with the decision I made, but I still feel those creative urges and am constantly searching for outlets for it in my daily life. Besides my office wear, my apartment is the place I most frequently unleash my creativity.

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