Thursday, November 20, 2008


This is one of the hats I created at my millinery workshop last weekend. As if the rich, eggplant purple wasn't eye-catching enough, I decided I needed to adorn it with a bright blue band and top it off with a peacock feather. I decided this on Saturday evening as I was driving home. My very next thought was, "Where in the hell am I going to get a peacock feather before tomorrow morning?" My first stop upon returning to San Francisco was Mark's house, and what did I find waiting for me there? A peacock feather that he had randomly picked up for me while he was out running errands that day. I kid you not.

I love the look and feel of layered skirts, especially when the bottom layer is tulle. It makes a delightful swishy sound and keeps your legs toasty warm. Plus it feels soft and girly, as well as a touch old-fashioned. I layered this purple tulle skirt underneath a bias-cut knit one for extra movement and drape. The teal skirt is actually a mid-calf length, but here I hiked it up a little and used the obi belt to hold it in place. The outfit felt so good that I was inspired to try a Kasmira-style twirl.

Hat: Made by Audi!
Top: thrifted
Cardi: A cast-off from my sister
Tulle skirt: Noa Noa
Knit skirt: LA Made
Boots: Modern Vintage
Obi: ??

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