Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Pursuit

It's been ages since I've worn this little plaid hat, but my upcoming millinery class has really inspired me. The prospect of learning something new is always very invigorating for me, whether it's a new craft, a new language, or some other random skill (Those dining room chairs in the pictures I posted yesterday? I did the caning -- i.e., the woven seat part -- myself. Don't ask me how long it took.). I love throwing myself into new pursuits from time to time, and when I decide to take up something new I give it everything I've got. I generally get really good at something before I decide whether to continue pursuing it. Usually by then it's too late, of course; the skill is cemented forever whether I like it or not. I'm sure I could still cane a chair like a pro, although the thought of ever doing it again fills me with dread. My fingertips are aching just thinking about it.

I've done a little pattern mixing in this outfit by pairing the plaid hat with this vest. I like the way the black accents -- hat, belt, and shoes -- accentuate the details in the vest and argyle socks. An outfit of neutrals such as this one needs punchy accents to keep it from looking too drab.

Just as it has happened to me before, a complete stranger walked by me at work and exclaimed, "I like your hat!" It continues to amaze me how much of a response hats elicit. I'm pretty confident that this upcoming class will produce some comment-worthy creations.

Hat: San Diego Hat Co.
Shirt: H&M
Vest: Steam Trunk
Skirt: Noa Noa
Socks: Sock Dreams
Shoes: John Fluevog

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