Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Built to Last

Remember how yesterday I mentioned that it had been unexpectedly warm here in San Francisco? Well, that didn't last long, let me tell ya. There were some absolutely glorious sunshiny days over the Thanksgiving weekend, but now it feels like I'm living somewhere in the arctic circle. That's okay though, because it gives me a reason to pull out all my cozy warm items, like this vintage wool dress and matching jacket.

This suit is from the 60's, but there's really nothing 60's about it in terms of the feel. While many clothes from that era are made of scratchy polyester, this suit is made of 100% wool that is plush and soft. Even the lining is great quality -- I think it's a cotton or silk blend, because it doesn't have any of that gross nylon feel to it at all. I can't believe this suit is older than I am -- it looks like it's practically new. I love 60's mod style but hate polyester, so I'm thrilled to own a vintage piece that holds up to today's standards for comfort.

This suit is a great example of an investment piece, something that probably would have been quite expensive when new, but that has stood the test of time both in style as well as construction. While I have plenty of cheap basics in my wardrobe from places like Forever 21 or H&M, those pieces are not built to last; I wear them until they start to pill or fade, then I replace them. But when I find something really unique that's also high quality, I'll spend the extra money knowing that it'll be in my wardrobe for years to come.

What are your investment pieces? What items have you owned the longest that you're still wearing today?

Suit: Violetville Vintage
Shirt: Old Navy
Tights: MP, via Sock Dreams
Shoes: Seychelles, via Solestruck

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