Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Math is Fun

When this beautiful Attila Design skirt first arrived, I told myself that even though it's ridiculously dressy for my workplace, I would wear it anyway because it's just too pretty to collect dust in my closet while I wait for a 'special' occasion. I promptly put it together into an outfit that I fully intended to wear immediately, but a sudden warm spell made said outfit unwearable, and the skirt just hung there grouped with a bunch of wintry items until I finally disassembled the outfit and created this one. So here the skirt is at last, making its debut appearance on the blog.

I tried a lot of different variations on this outfit, many of which involved pairing the skirt with really casual items in order to tone down the dressiness. But in the end I didn't want to downplay the luxe fabrics and beautiful detailing too much, so I dressed it down a little with the t-shirt and flat boots, while simultaneously using the velvet vest to make the top half of the outfit able to stand up to the bottom. The detail shots make the skirt look a lot more green than it is -- the full length shots have much truer color.

Finally, I thought this story might amuse you, since it illustrates just how nerdy many of my coworkers actually are. The other day I was sitting in a meeting next to a woman from our statistics department. We were watching a presentation, and as we sat there she was busily scribbling away in her notebook. Since the presentation was really just informational and not something we needed to be taking notes on, I just assumed she was doodling. Then out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of the page -- her 'doodles' were actually mathematical equations and graphs. She was doing integral calculus to kill time! Suddenly it became very clear why I rarely get comments on even my most outlandish outfits; I should really thank her, because she's inspired me to push the boundaries even more now that I know for sure that no one's paying much attention. And now I'm doubly glad I wore this amazing skirt on a regular work day.

Vest: an oldie from the 90's
Shirt: H&M
Skirt: Attila Design
Boots: Bata

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