This dress is actually not a dress at all, but a skirt. Although the fabric and texture are lovely, and although it's from Ralph Lauren and was undoubtedly very expensive, its near-ankle length makes me feel like a hippie, and I truly loathe hippie styles. The skirt was a gift from the crummy ex-boyfriend I've mentioned
before; I seem to have had this problem a lot, where men I've dated try to dress me up in styles
they prefer, rather than choosing something
I'd like. They'd have been well advised to pay closer attention to my personal style, or else let me buy my own damn clothes. But I digress.

The skirt has hung in my closet, forlorn and looking like something Diane Keaton would've worn in the 60's, for many months now. Then a couple of weeks ago
E inspired me to try simply hiking it up and wearing it as a dress. Voila! It is now the perfect length! I plan on making some modifications to it in order to permanently transform it into a dress, but for now I threw a shirt over it and belted the whole thing, which worked just fine.
The striped button-down is from Promod, and the sandals are by Sofft. I thought today's outfit was particularly inspired, but was surprised not to get so much as a single comment on it all day at work. I suspect that many of my nerdy colleagues simply didn't 'get' it.

Between the pattern mixing, the combining different colors of blue, and the menswear-style shirt contrasted with the feminine dress, it was more than their scientifically savvy but fashionably retarded brains could deal with. However, vindication was mine this evening when, making a stop on the way home, a woman went into raptures about it in my local yarn store. When afterwards I was able to talk my way out of getting my car towed (oops, was that a 'no parking' sign behind that tree?), I figured I'd done well with the outfit.