Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Birthday Tribute to Sal

As you've probably already guessed, there is a deep mutual admiration and in-real-life friendship between myself and Already Pretty blogger Sal McGraw. So since Sal's birthday was just a few days ago, I thought I'd do something special and dedicate an entire post just to her. Can I make her blush? Will I get her to cry?? I promise I'll do my best!

I first "met" Sal via blogging in the last half of 2008, and was thrilled to get to meet her in real life when she and her awesome husband Mike came to visit last April. I'm sure you won't be surprised when I tell you that they were wonderful house guests, and generously brought me not only a basket of fantastic Minnesota-themed goodies, but also a couple of Mike's beautiful photos. Mark and I had a lot of fun getting to know Sal and Mike, as well as helping Sal to rediscover San Francisco after her not-so-happy experience of living here several years ago. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that one day they'll move out here and give it another shot, though Sal has steadfastly maintained that it isn't for her.

A rare photo of two wild McGraws, sighted far from their native habitat

In person, Sal is every bit as sweet and wonderful as you'd expect her to be. She's intelligent, loves great food, is one hell of a shopper, and despite having classic Gemini (ETA: whoops, that should have been Capricorn) over-planning tendencies, is actually very flexible and laid back (a great relief to my haphazard, spontaneous self!). And did I mention beautiful?? Sure, we all know how stylish Sal is, and what a great smile she has, but up close she has something else too: a serene, elegant beauty and grace. Hers is the sort of beauty that doesn't try too hard; she just radiates it naturally through her regal profile, cascading mane, and warm smile. Without a lick of makeup on, she has perfect porcelain skin and big, deep, thoughtful eyes.

Sal also has truckloads of unaffected charm. She gets giddy at the sight of fabulous drag queens, squeaks with delight at accidentally sort of almost meeting Paul Smith, does a silly dance after finding a long sought-after pair of Fluevogs, and says adorable things like, "Holy cats!" and, "you can bet your sweet bippy." Of course her blog posts are informative, self esteem-boosting, and thoroughly researched, but they're also laced with offbeat humor, irreverent silliness, and plenty of personality.

Sal, you're a true original and an all-around awesome person. You're a lovely woman in every sense of the word. I hope your 33rd year brings you much joy, prosperity, and, most importantly, a move out west. :-)

See how cute we are together? Clearly we were MEANT to live in the same town.

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