Monday, January 4, 2010

What I Learned on My Christmas Vacation

Hello again, and happy 2010! I'm back from Mexico, where I spent 10 glorious days on the beaches of Tulum with Mark, Jess, and our friend Tom. We rented a rustic casita right on the beach (that's it above -- Casita Tortuguita), and enjoyed warm, sunny weather every day we were there. Here are some interesting things I learned while vacationing:

1. Atlantic Ghost crabs love to eat Pringles, particularly the pizza flavor. After dragging one down its burrow, a crab will seal up the entrance from within, presumably so it can spend several days undisturbed on the couch, watching TV.

2. Achieving beachy, windswept hair is a lot easier when you're actually on a windswept beach. It also helps if you truly don't give a crap what your hair looks like.

3. A 'Mayan Sacrifice' is far more pleasant (and delicious) than it sounds.

4. Going grocery shopping is a lot more fun when:

  • There are two different songs playing from either end of the store, creating a random mash-up that you can groove down the aisles to.
  • Your cart is filled with bottles of margarita mix, limes, and tequila.
  • You have 3 of your favorite people to shop with.
  • You've had 2 or more cocktails.

5. The Tulum ruins would be more accurately named "Iguana Viewing Platforms."

6. Napping in a hammock is a fine way to spend a morning... and an afternoon.

Our impressive stats:

  • Man-hours spent in a hammock: ~216
  • Books finished: 12
  • Tequila consumed: ~4580 mL
  • Songs composed about Mexican speed bumps (aka topes): 2
  • Hours spent staring at crab burrows: ~27
  • Celebrities spotted: 1
  • New friends made: 2
  • Hours spent stuck in traffic, stressing out, or rushing to get somewhere: 0

Below are a few more photos from our wonderful trip. Tomorrow I'll be back with my regular outfit posts; I still have several days' worth of photos from before we left, so I have a bit of catching up to do.

The view from our shady, hammock-strung oasis

Mark and Tom enjoying a breakfast beer on the patio

The Tulum ruins, er, Iguana Viewing Platforms

Mark and I

Gratuitous iguana shot

Sunset on our little slice of beach

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