Monday, September 28, 2009

Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Day 1

This week I'm participating in Jane's Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, aided in part by the fact that my shoe selection has already been limited by my still swollen broken toe. I'd love to say I've got the whole week's worth of outfits all carefully planned out, but the fact is that between the post-vacation jetlag and the toe situation, I haven't been as motivated as usual, so I'm just making it up as I go. At the end of the week I'll show you all the components of my capsule wardrobe.

I for sure had to select this velvet blazer as one of my items, having just brought it back from Uruguay and being excited to wear it. The designer is Victoria M. Ortiz, and let me tell you, her shop in Colonia del Sacramento is filled with all sorts of beautiful things. This blazer caught my eye because of the lace edging, brass buttons, and puff shoulders, which give it a Victorian feel. The Victorian styling is more apparent when the jacket is buttoned all the way up, but for this outfit I left it open so that more of the dress pattern would show.

These Cydwoqs are one of 3 pairs of shoes in my entire collection that are tolerable to wear right now. Being completely unwilling to wear flip flops to work, I scoured the 70 or so pairs in my closet and finally came up with the Cydwoqs, my pink sneakers, and my gray cowboy boots. This pair and the cowboy boots are what I'll be using this week for my capsule wardrobe. Interestingly, neither pair is likely what I would've chosen for the challenge had it not been for the broken toe, but I think they'll both be versatile enough to get me through the week.

Blazer: Victoria M. Ortiz
Necklace: Rhapsodia (Argentina)
Dress: 90's vintage, shortened
Tights: Foot Traffic
Shoes: Cydwoq

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