Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Day 3

I didn't realize how much I'd gotten used to not blogging every day until I started doing this challenge. For many months now, I've been photographing a bunch of outfits when I put them together and then writing a few posts at once and scheduling them for several days out. And then I've gotten 'ahead' of the posts and stockpiled several days' worth of photos, so that now each post typically appears about a week after I actually wore the outfit. While it is certainly more convenient and allows me a lot more flexibility in my schedule, I have to admit that there's something satisfying about posting in real time, when I can compare the way the outfit feels with the way it comes across in the photos. For those of you with blogs, which approach do you prefer -- devoting a large chunk of time to several posts, or blogging every day?

For Day 3 of Jane's challenge, I added one clothing item and one accessory: the skirt and the earrings. Because I wore this dress as a bottom layer yesterday and it was mainly the collar and sleeves that were showing, it looks completely different here, where the skirt of the dress is now the only part showing. As you can see I used the new blazer again, but this time I buttoned it up to give it a different vibe. Here's what the back looks like; I apologize for the wrinkles! I guess I should've ironed everything before I turned it into another outfit. Not that my coworkers would ever notice!

The lighting isn't quite optimal in these shots; if I'd angled my flash a little better you'd be able to see that my tights are a rich eggplant purple, a darker and more intense shade than the tulle skirt. I thought this was a great way to brighten up an outfit that is otherwise comprised solely of neutrals. I'm really loving the combination of grays and browns lately; I think this is going to be a staple for me this fall and winter. It's still a neutral combination, but it's so much softer than black, and an easier backdrop on which to hang a few brighter colors even during the darkest winter months. I could see the gray/brown combination working well with a splash of yellow, orange, red, or even blue or green if it was the right shade.

Blazer: Victoria M. Ortiz
Dress: Red Dress Shoppe
Skirt: Noa Noa
Tights: Foot Traffic
Shoes: Cydwoq

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