Friday, September 18, 2009

Last Day in Buenos Aires

Today is our last full day in Argentina; tomorrow we head for home. These outfits are from the last couple of days in Buenos Aires; we didn't take any outfit photos in Uruguay, since all we brought with us were fairly boring outfits that allowed us to fit all our stuff into one backpack.

As you can see, we're making good use of the new items we've purchased along the way. In the first photo, my olive tee, scarf, and shoes are new, as are Jess's belt, skirt, and necklace. In the second outfit photo below, I'm wearing a new tank top from a shop called Rhapsodia, and Jess is wearing her new green boots (which I haven't gotten a chance to borrow yet -- hoping to change that today).

Speaking of shoes, the selection we ended up with has served us very well this trip, even more so since we wear close to the same size and can swap them around. I've obviously made the most use of the Cydwoqs, and they've been really comfortable for long hours on my feet. We've been impressed with the variety of colors available in the shops here, which has led to Jess's doubling of her shoedrobe. We've also been successful in our quest to prove that as a traveler, you don't need to wear hideous white sneakers every day in order to be comfortable. See, not a sneaker in sight! Shoes. We love 'em.

We may have time for one more post before we leave; if not, I'll do a recap of the trip next week. Happy Friday, everyone!

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