Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Capsule Wardrobe Challenge, Day 2

Here are those nice, roomy cowboy boots that are so kind to my ailing foot these days. I assure you that my swollen little cocktail weenie of a toe is lovingly encased and cradled, despite the boots' rugged and badass exterior.

I was surprised that several people at work asked me why I didn't just wear flip flops; for one thing, shouldn't it be obvious by now that I'd rather call in sick than come to work wearing something as tacky as flip flops? And then, did it not occur to anyone that the reason I smashed my toe in the first place is that I'm clumsy as all get out, and that wearing open toed shoes would be like issuing an invitation to all heavy or protruding objects to injure it further? These people really have their heads in the clouds most days.

Here is Day Two of the Capsule Wardrobe Challenge. I've now added 2 dresses, a pair of shoes, and a necklace into the mix, bringing me to 6 of the 10 allowable clothing items and 2 of the 5 maximum accessories. Stay tuned to see if I can make it to the end of the week without exceeding the limits!

Gray dress: Red Dress Shoppe
Ecru dress: Lady Language
Necklace: H&M
Boots: vintage

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