Sunday, September 13, 2009

Outfit Catch-up from Buenos Aires

At last Jess and I have internet access in our Buenos Aires apartment, so I'll first catch you up on all our outfits. Tomorrow I'll show you some of our purchases, and after that I'll bring you a post on this wonderful city we've been exploring. As you'll see in the photos below, most of my outfits have been variations on the same theme, since I brought a very limited wardrobe with me. Jess has been a little more prolific a shopper so far, adding several new items and completely transforming her travel wardrobe. I did, however, buy an adorbale, handmade pair of shoes that look like 1950's bowling shoes; they're in several of the photos below.

Besides all the shopping, we've been dining out a lot and have had some of the most delicious steak I've ever tasted. We've discovered some great music that we hadn't heard before, seen a tango show (as well as tango dancing on the street), and have explored most of the neighborhoods in the city. Tomorrow we're heading across the bay to Uruguay for a couple days, to relax and escape from the frenzy of the city.

For now I'll just let the outfit photos speak for themselves, and do a recap of how my travel wardrobe served me after I get back.

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