Monday, September 14, 2009

Shopping Our Way Through BA

As we sit here in the nearest internet-enabled cafe in Montevideo, listening to the requisite 80's music that blasts from every restaurant and storefront from here to Patagonia, we're happy to report that the boutiques' designs in this part of the world have been much fresher than their music selections. Here are some of our finds, which happily blended perfectly well with our meager wardrobes from home. The recent acquisitions, along with the occasional pilfering from each others' suitcases, has added variety to our daily wear, with the added bonus of supporting local designers.

Both of these skirts, as well as Jess's boots (thus proving that you can indeed wear pumpkin orange boots with a pink floral skirt), are new. We should mention at this point that the prices here are remarkably affordable, especially for one-of-a-kind, handmade items of quality construction. You'll see some more of these new pieces in the outfit photos to come, and in the meantime here's a sneak peek of some of our South American booty. All photos are clickable to enlarge; details on the designers to come!

Jess's Acquisitions:

Audi's Additions:

P.S. Many people we've encountered here, as well as some of our commenters, have asked if we're sisters. We're not. At least not as far as we know (moms, now would be a good time to speak up). However, Jess considers Audi (at times - mostly when she's making coffee in the morning) as the sister she never had. Sisters in style and spirit at least - we'll take the compliment.

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