Monday, September 7, 2009

Swingin' Birthday Bash

Happy birthday to me! Well, not quite. My birthday is not until the 9th, but since my friends Laura, Dann and I have birthdays that are close together and are all celebrating a 'big' one this year, we decided to have a combo birthday bash the weekend before last. And what a bash it was! Because we we're both turning 40 and figured we could get away with it, Laura and I decided to really go all-out with our birthday getups. This is what I put together.

Of course I made the hat myself, and Mark made the belt (it's for sale in the shop, in fact). The shirt is the amazing one from All Saints that I mentioned the other day. The back of the shirt is bustled and fits so well with the bloomers.

Not to be outdone, Laura wore a silver and black, besequined outfit topped off with a viking helmet. Pretty much everyone had worn the viking helmet by the end of the night, including my mom (see below). Mom flew down from Oregon to attend our swingin' bash, and my awesome friends Jess, Lisa, and Jessica came down from Seattle. Yes, that's the same Jess who has now turned right around and flown to Argentina with me. Not only that, but my friend Susie surprised me by coming out from Minneapolis for the event! Truly, I am blessed with some wonderful friends.

Our party was held at the fabulous Ambassador here in San Francisco. We had the mezzanine level to ourselves, including our own bar and wait staff. The best part of the evening was that after it was all over I was still 39! Now I just have to figure out how I want to celebrate my actual birthday; I have a feeling it won't be too hard to find something fun to do in Buenos Aires.

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