Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Well kids, I'm back, and let me tell you, it's been a challenging 2 days. First, my computer decided to punish me for leaving it turned off while I was gone, dropping the connection to my wireless keyboard so that now I can't even get past the login screen. Then last night I broke my little toe, which, though certainly not life-threatening, severely impedes my ability to walk, not to mention that it hurts like a bitch. Funny I should make it halfway around the world unscathed, only to be felled by my own apartment a day after getting back.

So here I sit at Mark's place, calling in for my work meetings and trying to resign myself to being mostly immobilized for the entire day while the swelling in my foot subsides. Thus I bring you this outfit that I wore before I left on my trip, since right now I can't even upload the rest of my vacation photos with which to do a proper wrap-up of Argentina and Uruguay. Once I get this computer business sorted out I promise I'll share some more highlights from the trip.

This dress isn't cut so well for me on top, so I always wear it with a layer over, under, or both. The top of the dress is a criss-cross cut, and sort of bags open because I'm not really busty enough for it, thus I've put a tank underneath for the sake of good taste, and the cardigan on top to hide the bagginess. I like that you can still see part of the dress pattern in the top half of the outfit.

I still have a couple more outfits from before the trip that I can post while I'm figuring out my computer situation, but with any luck I'll be able to bring you my vacation post before the end of the week.

Cardigan: S
Dress: Max Studio, thrifted
Belt: Red Dress Shoppe
Skirt: LA Made
Boots: All Black

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