Thursday, August 14, 2008


I've gone into a lengthy explanation before about why I don't like this skirt the way it's meant to be worn, so I won't repeat it again. This outfit is really all about the interesting accessories anyway. I had a pair of clip-on earrings lying around from a recent trip to the Alemany flea market that I've been meaning to turn into cardigan clips using Kasmira's instructions, but the shoes were crying out for embellishment, so I used the earrings as shoe clips instead. The pendant is a pocketwatch I found at the same flea market. I got the DKNY belt at a thrift store; one of the small straps was broken, but my clever and adorable boyfriend Mark riveted it back together for me and now it's as good as new. The bracelet is comprised of charms I've brought back from some of the countries I've visited; the earrings are from Noa Noa in Copenhagen and the silver circle ring is my lucky charm and is from a trip to Seattle.

Skirt: Ralph Lauren
Tunic: H&M
Scarf: Banana Republic
Shoes: Bronx

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