Friday, August 15, 2008


This herringbone jacket has been an underutilized garment in my wardrobe for quite some time. Part of the reason is that with some outfits it looks too overtly equestrian for my tastes. Then the other day Une Femme d'un Certain Age did a nice post about equestrian styles that inspired me to give it another try. Her point was that it's fine to have a theme to an outfit as long as it isn't too literal. For today's outfit, I left the jacket open with the belt showing underneath to modernize the look, and used the drape-necked top rather than a button-down for a less structured appearance. The geometric pattern on the skirt also gave the outfit a bolder and less classic look.

I found this skirt as part of my recent thrift store haul. I actually didn't like it very much when I tried it on, but upon closer scrutiny I realized that it just need the right pair of shoes to make it look good. I'm happy I ended up bringing it home, as it makes a good starting piece upon which to build an outfit of mixed black and brown.

Jacket: La Redoute
Top: Sunhee Moon
Belt: Oscar
Skirt: Thrifted
Leggings: Kersh
Boots: ??

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