Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Georgie to the Rescue

I've just returned from having my hair done and am a bit worn down from the extra-long day; perhaps this explains why I had such a tough time getting any decent photos this evening. Thankfully Georgie stepped in, since she always looks great. I do like the way my hair looks here, though.

I'm sort of drawing a blank on anything clever or interesting to say about this outfit, so I'll skip right to the specifics. If I can get the motivation going, I'll try to get my vacation photos uploaded tonight and work up a post about the trip.

T-shirt: H&M
Sweater: Tulle
Scarf: Promod
Brooch: Vintage
Belt: Thrifted
Skirt: Noa Noa
Tights: Cronert
Shoes: Doc Marten

In contrast to my lousy photo shoot, Georgie hammed it up tonight with some great outtakes that I thought I'd share.

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