Tuesday, January 13, 2009


We're getting some unseasonably warm weather this week in the Bay Area; so warm, in fact, that I went bare-legged today. And if my hair looks a little windblown, it's because I drove to and from work with the top down on my car! This is a rare treat indeed. On a side note, I've been told that my car exactly suits my personality. Does anyone care to guess what it is? I'll give you the answer tomorrow, although I'm sure at least one of my clever blogger friends will have smoked it before then.

Today's outfit:
Cardigan: "S"
Tank: H&M
Belt: Unknown; it's made from recycled leather
Skirt: Mac and Jac
Shoes: Joy Chen

Kasmira pointed out that I didn't name the manufacturer of my tights from yesterday's outfit. I get a lot of questions about them, actually. I'm not exactly sure of the brand, since it's been awhile since I bought them and the label doesn't say, but I suspect they might be made by Cronert.

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