Monday, January 26, 2009

No Pun Intended

Today's outfit was nothing special, as I had limited time this morning and knew I was only going to be in the office for a couple of hours anyway. Poor little Georgie is, well... sick as a dog. Since I didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone for any length of time today, I just popped into work for a short time while she was out with her dog walker. She seems to be a little better now after I switched her to a bland food diet; an upset stomach is a pretty common occurrence in dogs that have a lot of access to the outdoors, but this was an uncommonly bad bout. I'll spare you the gory details, though I'll happily report that no rugs were ruined in the process.

This is my favorite pair of comfy jeans, and although they've made very few appearances on this blog, I practically live in them most weekends. If you could see how they make my butt look, you'd understand why. Even more than that though, they're the sartorial equivalent of comfort food for me; this morning I felt stressed about leaving Georgie, so I put these on, because somehow they make me feel like I can handle anything.

The only really noteworthy thing in this outfit was the necklace/brooch combo. I hate how a long, double-wrapped necklace will droop down during the day and end up with one super long loop that hangs all the way to your belly button and a short one that feels like a tourniquet around your neck. Today I solved this problem by threading the necklace through this vintage brooch, which just happens to match perfectly in color. Actually I wish it didn't match quite so perfectly, but hey, you have to use what's on hand. The brooch kept the loops of the necklace just so, even when I had to bend over to clean up a really smelly pile of... oh, never mind.

Turtleneck: Laundry, thrifted
Tunic top: ?
Brooch: Thrifted
Necklace: Cost Plus World Market
Jeans: Lucky
Shoes: John Fluevog

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