Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On Being Cool

This award was bestowed upon me by the fabulous and always entertaining notSupermum (who actually is Supermum, only she's very, very humble). Now this is a woman who is busy raising 2 daughters whilst dealing with a bitter and vindictive ex, all the while making time to keep a fantastic blog in which she shares her trials and tribulations, as well as some really heartwarming and funny stories. She joked that someone had better quickly tell her daughters that she'd been labeled as "cool," but frankly in my opinion coolness comes from experience and worldliness, and she has both in spades. Coolness comes from not getting swallowed up by cares and responsibility, and by being your own person no matter what life throws your way. My little assortment of daily worries looks like a cake walk compared with hers, and she does it all with so much style, grace and humor. So I second Antonella's opinion, notSupermum. You most definitely ARE cool. And I'm very flattered that you enjoy my little blog!

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