Thursday, November 12, 2009

Repurposed Skates

Remember how I mentioned that I've been obsessed with getting a pair of white figure skates and taking the blades off to wear them as boots? Well, I sort of gave up on that idea because I figured the boots would be terribly uncomfortable, but in the meantime I found something even better: a pair of proper boots that look pretty much like skates. I found these randomly via the Dr. Martens website, but since I knew that Docs' sizing can be unpredictable I waited until I was in Seattle, where there's a whole Docs store, so that I could try them on first. Though they're still a little stiff around the ankles, I'm convinced that these will be way more comfortable than a pair of repurposed skates.

I went bare-legged with this outfit, knowing it would probably be the last time I'd be able to do so until mid next year. This was during several days of calm, warm weather that we had about a week and a half ago, which has since been replaced with the normal foggy drizzle so common this time of year.

Jacket: Forever 21
Dress: Noa Noa
Boots: Dr. Martens

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