Thursday, September 18, 2008

Arte y Pico Award

The lovely Jane from Work That Wardrobe, domestic diva and master of self control, has nominated me for this beautiful Arte Y Pico Blog Award. Truly, I am touched. Thank you Jane!

The rules of Arte Y Pico are - you must pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting content, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language! Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to their blog. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself. The award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of the Arte Y Pico blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.

It's really tough to choose just 5, but here goes:

What I Wore Today: It was Kasmira's blog that originally inspired me to start my own, so of course she is influential. But it's her flamboyent style, her knack for putting together unexpected color combinations, and her fun personality that really make her deserving. And if you haven't seen her ballerina jumps, you're really missing out.

Already Pretty: What's not to love about Sal? She writes funny and thought-provoking posts, she has a great sense of style, and her personal mission is to help women feel good about themselves. She even shares her blooper photos for the amusement of us all. We b'love you, Sal!

Super Kawaii Mama: SKM is so gorgeous, her outfits so spectacular, and her hair so ridiculously perfect, she makes me want to weep with joy, not to mention jealousy. But wait! Watch her little hairstyling instructional videos, and you'll discover that she also apparently has a fun and adorable personality in addition to her enviable Aussie accent. I can't decide if I want to hug her or slap her.*

Esme and the Lane Way: What is it with these Melbourne beauties? That city surely deserves a prominent place on the fashion map if the rest of the population dresses like Esme and Super Kawaii. Esme's outfits are sublime, and her photos have a soft, magical quality. Her modern takes on classic looks are truly inspiring.

My Life as a Cat Nanny: Last but certainly not least, there is the lovely E in Minneapolis, who kindly shares little slices of her life, and lunch, with her readers. We can fret with her as she prepares to attend a wedding, anticipate with her as she waits for her boyfriend to move back, and laugh with her as she looks after those crazy cats. Plus, her bento creations are truly works of art.

*Joking, of course! I would never slap you, dear; I wouldn't want to mess up your hair. ;-)

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