Thursday, September 11, 2008


Pretty much nobody even saw this outfit today, because it was our department's annual picnic and the building was nearly deserted. Since I completely forgot about it and didn't dress accordingly, I had a good excuse to stay behind and enjoy a quiet, productive day. I wasn't even irked at the thought of having gone to all the effort to put together this outfit for nothing, since that's pretty much par for the course every day where I work!

This rarely-worn blazer is from Promod. Normally I'd feel guilty about how infrequently I wear it, except that it's such a nice cut that I know I'll get years of use out of it, and wearing it infrequently means it'll look great for a long time. I liked how the buttons on the pants and blazer were nearly a perfect match. The purple tank was thrifted, pants from Anthropologie, shoes by Jo Ghost. The necklace is one I found on Etsy.

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